Here are some changes recently landed in the development branch of Tryton that will be available on the next release.
- Now the default language stored in database overrule the default language of the configuration file. This allows to have a multi-database server with different default languages.
- The (Field, Operator, Operand) in record rules has been replaced by a plain standard domain. This change shows a speed-up increase of 30% on running the unit test suite.
- The API of the ModelStorage.create has been changed to use a list of values. This allows to create many records in one call and takes advantage of validation per bunch.
- A new kind of field has been added: Dict. This field allows to store a dictionary for which the definitions of the keys are stored in the database.
- The selection_change_with attribute is added to the Selection and Reference fields. It behaves like the on_change_with but it modifies the list of selection values. The validation process takes care also of this new attribute.
The filter box has been improved to allow:
multi-selection of values for Selection fields
range for Date and DateTime fields
In order to reduce the number of menu entries, a new concept is introduced: the Tab Domain. This allows to define a set of tabs linked to a domain. Switching from one tab to another, update the list of records according to the domain. All the modules have been updated to take advantage of this feature and remove the extra menu entries.
Users can now bookmark their own search.
The icon for URL widget can be dynamic.
The URL widget is available also on list view.
The menu favorites replaces the menu shortcut. The new design gives a better user experience.
A global search is now available. It allows to search over all the business records.
Account Asset
It is a new module to manage depreciation of fixed assets. For now, only “linear“ depreciation method is available but the module is designed to welcome new methods.
- A kind field has been added to Tax Group and Tax Rule with the possible values: Sale, Purchase or Both. Each chart of account can use them to ease tax selection.
Account Invoice
- The workflow of the Invoice have been reviewed. Here's the result:
- In Cancel state the Move on the Invoice is deleted or cancelled.
- Draft Move for Supplier Invoice is created on validation. This gives more accurate accounting report for those who use draft moves.
- The Proforma state is renamed into Validated to be more generic.
- The Opened state is renamed into Posted to be more coherent with the rest of the software.
- A workflow has been added to Stock Move thanks to the new lightweight workflow introduced in 2.4 series which no longer causes performance issues.
Product Attribute
It is a new module to manage any set of attributes on Product by using the new Dict field.